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Test charge

Test charge

We have an endpoint that allows you to simulate a charge request via webhooks.

    Only available on test mode.Webhooks will be sent to the URL set on your business dashboard.

Endpoint Post

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionRequiredData type
currencyThe currency the transaction should be carried out in. The supported value is NGN.trueString
amountThe amount you are debiting the customer. This should be in kobo. The minimum value is 10000trueNumber
fromThe user reference of one of your indexed userstrueString
toThe user reference of one of your indexed users. Can be the same as from.trueString
remarkThe transaction descriptiontrueString
Sample request
"currency": "NGN",
"amount": 10000,
"remark": "test"

Note that this endpoint only simulates the actual direct charge feature by transfer of funds between users on test environment.

Sample response
"message": "hook sent"

After you have successfully called the request endpoint, we send an authorization payload via webhook in the default transaction object format. This is the same format when receiving payments.

You can then verify the webhook request and process the authorization of the charge.